RE: Red Tories, Austerity Lite, New labour

SSP activist and student, Hugh Cullen, responds to an article supporting Corbyn for Labour leader. 

Having idols is dangerous, especially when they are still alive. Declaring yourself for an individual can lead to dissolution, or the heartbreak that comes with the realisation that they are not what you thought they were. The best examples of this come in the Labour Party. While I have enormous respect for what remains of the 'Labour left', I reserve the right to criticise Dennis Skinner, Owen Jones and Jeremy Corbyn and more for their continued affiliation with a party that has continuously abandoned the working class and socialism. 

While I share many of the beliefs of Corbyn and admire him as a principled and hard working MP, his attempts to revive the labour party are akin to drawing blood from stone.

Red Tories, Austerity Lite, New labour

Stirling Uni student and SSP activist Robbie Young argues his support for Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour leadership contest. 

Why I've decided to rejoin the Labour Party -

As a SSP member and activist, you may think rejoining the Tory party in red paint is a strange thing to do but I have good reasons.

As many a young socialist does, when I awoke my political consciousness I immediately threw myself at the Labour Party. Keir Hardie. Tony Benn. Nye Bevan. Michael Foot. George Galloway. Dennis Skinner. Those were the people I thought the Labour Party was all about. I attended party meetings. I delivered leaflets. I tried to get my local candidate elected in 2010.