Greece’s Fire Sale Proves That Neoliberalism Survived It’s Own Collapse.

The 2008 financial crash was seen by many as another example of capitalism’s self-destructive nature. Deregulation and the limitless pursuit of growth caused our interconnected economy to crumble. Again. There are no excuses- this boom and bust has happened before.

How the Scottish Parliament Voting System Works

There is a lot of confusion about how the voting system works and MSPs are allocated in the Scottish Parliament, particularly because of the regional list. The purpose of this article is not to tell you who to vote for, but just to explain how the Additional Member System works in allocating seats to MSPs in the Scottish Parliament. Another issue this will clear up that is thrown about that says to maximize the number of Independence supporting MSPs, you have to vote SNP twice. When you understand how the Additional Member System works and allocates MSPs you will see that this is not the case at all.